Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Dream House, Your Dream House!

I believe that one of the reasons why I decided to start a career in Real Estate is because I am so interested in looking at and checking out different types of houses, like the ones that I saw in every place that I have visited. I don’t know why it really gives me an extraordinary kind of happiness whenever I looked at these lovely and amazing houses, big or small. Is it because I am still in the process of fulfilling my dream, and that is, finding my own dream house. I guess so, lol! Let me ask you a question. What style do you want for your house? Do you dream of a manor, a mansion, classic cottage, suburban ranch, or a shotgun house (no)? I love a classic cottage style. I’m not really into fancy houses. Just the cozy ones that has a feeling of being in the forest without actually being in the forest. I think the reason for that is I love nature particularly beautiful trees during the fall season and I like it quiet too. See, there’s always that particular type and style that appeals to us and more often than not, consciously and subconsciously there is a reason why such house fascinates us. As Realtors, we always ask our clients on their preference for a house. Not only its make or style but the neighborhood, etc. as well. Since we as Realtors also have our own preference for our house, we can relate more to them (clients) and we’ll be more patient and understanding in helping them hunt for the house of their dream!

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